Saturday, May 14, 2011

A day on the Mekong

The Mekong Delta is one of the things I fantasized about visiting before arriving in Vietnam.  The beauty I saw in pictures was something that captured my spirit.  While I initially had wanted to do a 3 day journey with home stay, I was unable to do it in order to fit in more time for another part of our trip.  I still recommend it if you can fit it in.

TRAVEl TIP: While it is possible to do the Mekong on your own (assuming you have time and an adventurous spirit), most people, locals included, recommend heading to the Mekong on a tour – private or group.   The reason behind this is that if you show up to the boat without a pre arranged price you could end up paying a pretty penny and you may miss actually visiting the some of the islands.
On our trip we visited four islands where we indulged in homemade coconut candy and honey tea.  Both were excellent.  
I also took the opportunity to try Durian fruit for the first time. My impression: it stinks like hell and I am not sure it tastes much better, however a local will tell you stinks like hell and tastes like heaven.

My trip highlight: While larger boats shuttle you between islands you eventually arrive to the small canals where only row boats will fit.  Once you step foot onto the row boat your spirit gets lost in the beautiful scenery.  Lush vegetations surrounds you, water coconuts (a dark spiky looking fruit) are everywhere.

Reality and hints: this is also one of the poorest areas in Vietnam.  A rower will begin their day at 8 am waiting for tourist to arrive (if they arrive at all) which could only equate to a few rides (and sometimes none) at 15000 dong which is about $0.75 cents (USD).  
TRAVEL TIP: BE SURE TO TIP! Buying the local products make for great gifts and by purchasing you will also support the local community.

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